Eye Movements in Dementia
Eye movements in normal adults and in adults with neurologic diseases
Eye movements can be voluntary or involuntary. Changes in eye movements can reflect changes in the circuitry of the brain that controls the eyes. These can be due to problems with the neurons that move the muscles of the eye, or due to the brain circuitry that directs the eyes.
We use eye movements to assess the function of the brain – can you move your eyes rapidly to a target? How fast or accurate are your eye movements? Can you inhibit an automatic response and generate a different eye movement instead? The purpose of this study is to learn more about the mechanisms of eye movement control and visual perception, as well as how these functions may change with different neurological diseases.
Our eye movement study is generally conducted in partnership with another observational research study. There are no specific inclusion or exclusion criteria, but you must be able to view the computer screen and sit comfortably for 10-20 minutes. Eye movement testing usually involves watching targets move on a screen or virtual reality headset. You may be asked to follow targets, ignore pictures, read letters or numbers, or answer questions about what you see.