Why participate in a clinical trial?

Though we wish we could guarantee a 100% direct benefit to you as a participant, this is a multifaceted process that does not guarantee such. To begin, many of our trials are double-blind, placebo-controlled meaning that we do not know what treatment arm you will be in. Second, as these are investigational trials, we cannot guarantee that if you are in the active drug group that you would see a benefit.  The greatest benefit to joining a clinical trial is the impact you are making on the research community and generations of patients behind you. With your contributions to research, much will be learned to benefit the research community.

How do I get started with a trial?

Please refer to How Trials Work for more information.

Can I decide to leave a trial after it has begun?

Yes. You may decide to stop at any time. Your participation is voluntary. It is important to tell the study doctor if you are thinking about stopping so that your doctor can evaluate any risks from the study drug and discuss what alternative follow-up care and testing could be most helpful for you.

What are my chances of receiving the active drug versus placebo?

This will depend on the design of each trial. Please visit www.clinicaltrials.gov or email [email protected] to learn more about a particular trial.

Do I have to stop taking my currently prescribed medications before I can join a trial?

Depending on the study, we will ask that you are stable on your medications and doses anywhere from 1-3 months prior to screening.  Please note that some medications are exclusionary for specific clinical trials.  During the phone screen, our Research Staff will discuss this with you.

May I change medications during a clinical trial?

Before making any medication changes, we ask that you discuss this with our study team.  Some medications are prohibited while on clinical trials so please keep our team well informed regarding potential medication changes.